IndexClass List
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CBLArcArc specified as [cx, cy, rx, ry, start, sweep] using double as a storage type
 CBLArrayArray container (template) [C++ API]
 CBLArrayCoreArray container [C API]
 CBLBitArrayBitArray container [C++ API]
 CBLBitArrayCoreBitArray container [C API]
 CBLBitSetBuilderCoreBitSet builder [C API]
 CBLBitSetCoreBitSet container [C API]
 CBLBitSetDataBitSet data view
 CBLBoxBox specified as [x0, y0, x1, y1] using double as a storage type
 CBLBoxIBox specified as [x0, y0, x1, y1] using int as a storage type
 CBLCircleCircle specified as [cx, cy, r] using double as a storage type
 CBLConicGradientValuesConic gradient values packed into a structure
 CBLContextRendering context [C++ API]
 CBLContextCoreRendering context [C API]
 CBLContextCreateInfoInformation that can be used to customize the rendering context
 CBLContextHintsRendering context hints
 CBLEllipseEllipse specified as [cx, cy, rx, ry] using double as a storage type
 CBLFileCoreA thin abstraction over a native OS file IO [C API]
 CBLFileInfoFile information
 CBLFontFont [C++ API]
 CBLFontCoreFont [C API]
 CBLFontDataFont data [C++ API]
 CBLFontDataCoreFont data [C API]
 CBLFontFaceFont face [C++ API]
 CBLFontFaceCoreFont face [C API]
 CBLFontFaceInfoInformation of BLFontFace
 CBLFontFeatureSettingsFont feature settings [C++ API]
 CBLFontFeatureSettingsCoreFont feature settings [C API]
 CBLFontFeatureSettingsViewA view unifying the representation of an internal storage used by BLFontFeatureSettings
 CBLFontManagerFont manager [C++ API]
 CBLFontManagerCoreFont manager [C API]
 CBLFontMetricsScaled BLFontDesignMetrics based on font size and other properties
 CBLFontPanoseFont PANOSE classification
 CBLFontTableA read only data that represents a font table or its sub-table
 CBLFontVariationItemAssociates a font variation tag with a value
 CBLFontVariationSettingsFont variation settings [C++ API]
 CBLFontVariationSettingsCoreFont variation settings [C API]
 CBLFontVariationSettingsViewA view unifying the representation of an internal storage used by BLFontVariationSettings
 CBLGlyphBufferCoreGlyph buffer [C API]
 CBLGlyphInfoContains additional information associated with a glyph used by BLGlyphBuffer
 CBLGlyphMappingStateCharacter to glyph mapping state
 CBLGlyphOutlineSinkInfoInformation passed to a BLPathSinkFunc sink by BLFont::getGlyphOutlines()
 CBLGradientGradient [C++ API]
 CBLGradientCoreGradient [C API]
 CBLGradientStopDefines an offset and rgba color that us used by BLGradient to define a linear transition between colors
 CBLImageCodecCoreImage codec [C API]
 CBLImageCore2D raster image [C API]
 CBLImageDataData that describes a raster image. Used by BLImage
 CBLImageDecoderImage decoder [C++ API]
 CBLImageDecoderCoreImage decoder [C API]
 CBLImageEncoderImage encoder [C++ API]
 CBLImageEncoderCoreImage encoder [C API]
 CBLImageInfoImage information provided by image codecs
 CBLLineLine specified as [x0, y0, x1, y1] using double as a storage type
 CBLLinearGradientValuesLinear gradient values packed into a structure
 CBLMatrix2D2D matrix represents an affine transformation matrix that can be used to transform geometry and images
 CBLObjectCoreBase class used by all Blend2D objects
 CBLObjectDetailDefines a BLObject layout that all objects must use
 CBLObjectInfoInformation bits used by BLObjectCore and all Blend2D compatible objects inheriting it
 CBLPath2D vector path [C++ API]
 CBLPathCore2D vector path [C API]
 CBLPathView2D vector path view provides pointers to vertex and command data along with their size
 CBLPatternPattern [C++ API]
 CBLPatternCorePattern [C API]
 CBLPixelConverterCorePixel converter [C API]
 CBLPixelConverterOptionsPixel conversion options
 CBLPointPoint specified as [x, y] using double as a storage type
 CBLPointIPoint specified as [x, y] using int as a storage type
 CBLRadialGradientValuesRadial gradient values packed into a structure
 CBLRectRectangle specified as [x, y, w, h] using double as a storage type
 CBLRectIRectangle specified as [x, y, w, h] using int as a storage type
 CBLRgba128-bit RGBA color stored as 4 32-bit floating point values in [RGBA] order
 CBLRgba3232-bit RGBA color (8-bit per component) stored as 0xAARRGGBB
 CBLRgba6464-bit RGBA color (16-bit per component) stored as 0xAAAARRRRGGGGBBBB
 CBLRoundRectRounded rectangle specified as [x, y, w, h, rx, ry] using double as a storage type
 CBLRuntimeBuildInfoBlend2D build information
 CBLRuntimeResourceInfoProvides information about resources allocated by Blend2D
 CBLRuntimeScopeCoreBlend2D runtime scope [C API]
 CBLRuntimeSystemInfoSystem information queried by the runtime
 CBLSizeSize specified as [w, h] using double as a storage type
 CBLSizeISize specified as [w, h] using int as a storage type
 CBLStringCoreByte string [C API]
 CBLStrokeOptionsCoreStroke options [C API]
 CBLTextMetricsText metrics
 CBLTriangleTriangle data specified as [x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2] using double as a storage type
 CBLVarVariant [C++ API]
 CBLVarCoreVariant [C API]