2D Vector Graphics Engine
CBLApproximationOptions | |
CBLArc | Arc specified as [cx, cy, rx, ry, start, sweep] using double as a storage type |
CBLArray | Array container (template) [C++ API] |
CBLArrayCore | Array container [C API] |
CBLArrayView | |
CBLBitArray | BitArray container [C++ API] |
CBLBitArrayCore | BitArray container [C API] |
CBLBitSet | |
CBLBitSetBuilderCore | BitSet builder [C API] |
CBLBitSetBuilderT | |
CBLBitSetCore | BitSet container [C API] |
CBLBitSetData | BitSet data view |
CBLBitSetSegment | |
CBLBitSetWordIterator | |
CBLBox | Box specified as [x0, y0, x1, y1] using double as a storage type |
CBLBoxI | Box specified as [x0, y0, x1, y1] using int as a storage type |
CBLCircle | Circle specified as [cx, cy, r] using double as a storage type |
CBLConicGradientValues | Conic gradient values packed into a structure |
CBLContext | Rendering context [C++ API] |
CBLContextCookie | |
CBLContextCore | Rendering context [C API] |
CBLContextCreateInfo | Information that can be used to customize the rendering context |
CBLContextHints | Rendering context hints |
CBLEllipse | Ellipse specified as [cx, cy, rx, ry] using double as a storage type |
CBLFile | |
CBLFileCore | A thin abstraction over a native OS file IO [C API] |
CBLFileInfo | File information |
CBLFont | Font [C++ API] |
CBLFontCore | Font [C API] |
CBLFontData | Font data [C++ API] |
CBLFontDataCore | Font data [C API] |
CBLFontDesignMetrics | |
CBLFontFace | Font face [C++ API] |
CBLFontFaceCore | Font face [C API] |
CBLFontFaceInfo | Information of BLFontFace |
CBLFontFeatureItem | |
CBLFontFeatureSettings | Font feature settings [C++ API] |
CBLFontFeatureSettingsCore | Font feature settings [C API] |
CBLFontFeatureSettingsView | A view unifying the representation of an internal storage used by BLFontFeatureSettings |
CBLFontManager | Font manager [C++ API] |
CBLFontManagerCore | Font manager [C API] |
CBLFontMatrix | |
CBLFontMetrics | Scaled BLFontDesignMetrics based on font size and other properties |
CBLFontPanose | Font PANOSE classification |
CBLFontQueryProperties | |
CBLFontTable | A read only data that represents a font table or its sub-table |
CBLFontUnicodeCoverage | |
CBLFontVariationItem | Associates a font variation tag with a value |
CBLFontVariationSettings | Font variation settings [C++ API] |
CBLFontVariationSettingsCore | Font variation settings [C API] |
CBLFontVariationSettingsView | A view unifying the representation of an internal storage used by BLFontVariationSettings |
CBLFormatInfo | |
CBLGlyphBuffer | |
CBLGlyphBufferCore | Glyph buffer [C API] |
CBLGlyphBufferImpl | |
CBLGlyphInfo | Contains additional information associated with a glyph used by BLGlyphBuffer |
CBLGlyphMappingState | Character to glyph mapping state |
CBLGlyphOutlineSinkInfo | Information passed to a BLPathSinkFunc sink by BLFont::getGlyphOutlines() |
CBLGlyphPlacement | |
CBLGlyphRun | |
CBLGlyphRunIterator | |
CBLGradient | Gradient [C++ API] |
CBLGradientCore | Gradient [C API] |
CBLGradientStop | Defines an offset and rgba color that us used by BLGradient to define a linear transition between colors |
CBLImage | |
CBLImageCodec | |
CBLImageCodecCore | Image codec [C API] |
CBLImageCore | 2D raster image [C API] |
CBLImageData | Data that describes a raster image. Used by BLImage |
CBLImageDecoder | Image decoder [C++ API] |
CBLImageDecoderCore | Image decoder [C API] |
CBLImageEncoder | Image encoder [C++ API] |
CBLImageEncoderCore | Image encoder [C API] |
CBLImageInfo | Image information provided by image codecs |
CBLLine | Line specified as [x0, y0, x1, y1] using double as a storage type |
CBLLinearGradientValues | Linear gradient values packed into a structure |
CBLMatrix2D | 2D matrix represents an affine transformation matrix that can be used to transform geometry and images |
CBLObjectCore | Base class used by all Blend2D objects |
CBLObjectDetail | Defines a BLObject layout that all objects must use |
CBLObjectImpl | |
CBLObjectInfo | Information bits used by BLObjectCore and all Blend2D compatible objects inheriting it |
CBLObjectVirt | |
CBLObjectVirtBase | |
►CBLPath | 2D vector path [C++ API] |
CBLPathCore | 2D vector path [C API] |
CBLPathView | 2D vector path view provides pointers to vertex and command data along with their size |
CBLPattern | Pattern [C++ API] |
CBLPatternCore | Pattern [C API] |
CBLPixelConverter | |
CBLPixelConverterCore | Pixel converter [C API] |
CBLPixelConverterOptions | Pixel conversion options |
CBLPoint | Point specified as [x, y] using double as a storage type |
CBLPointI | Point specified as [x, y] using int as a storage type |
CBLRadialGradientValues | Radial gradient values packed into a structure |
CBLRandom | |
CBLRange | |
CBLRect | Rectangle specified as [x, y, w, h] using double as a storage type |
CBLRectI | Rectangle specified as [x, y, w, h] using int as a storage type |
CBLRgba | 128-bit RGBA color stored as 4 32-bit floating point values in [RGBA] order |
CBLRgba32 | 32-bit RGBA color (8-bit per component) stored as 0xAARRGGBB |
CBLRgba64 | 64-bit RGBA color (16-bit per component) stored as 0xAAAARRRRGGGGBBBB |
CBLRoundRect | Rounded rectangle specified as [x, y, w, h, rx, ry] using double as a storage type |
CBLRuntimeBuildInfo | Blend2D build information |
CBLRuntimeInitializer | |
CBLRuntimeResourceInfo | Provides information about resources allocated by Blend2D |
CBLRuntimeScope | |
CBLRuntimeScopeCore | Blend2D runtime scope [C API] |
CBLRuntimeSystemInfo | System information queried by the runtime |
CBLSize | Size specified as [w, h] using double as a storage type |
CBLSizeI | Size specified as [w, h] using int as a storage type |
CBLString | |
CBLStringCore | Byte string [C API] |
CBLStrokeOptions | |
CBLStrokeOptionsCore | Stroke options [C API] |
CBLTextMetrics | Text metrics |
CBLTriangle | Triangle data specified as [x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2] using double as a storage type |
CBLVar | Variant [C++ API] |
CBLVarCore | Variant [C API] |