BLImageData Struct Reference

Data that describes a raster image. Used by BLImage.

Public Members

Member Functions

void BLImageData::reset()noexcept[¶]

Resets the image data to represent an empty image (all members set to zeros).

void* BLImageData::pixelData[¶]

Pixel data, starting at the top left corner of the image.

If the stride is negative the image data would start at the bottom.

intptr_t BLImageData::stride[¶]

Stride (in bytes) of image data (positive when image data starts at top-left, negative when it starts at bottom-left).

BLSizeI BLImageData::size[¶]

Size of the image.

uint32_t BLImageData::format[¶]

Pixel format, see BLFormat.