BLGlyphRun Struct Reference

BLGlyphRun describes a set of consecutive glyphs and their placements.

BLGlyphRun should only be used to pass glyph IDs and their placements to the rendering context. The purpose of BLGlyphRun is to allow rendering glyphs, which could be shaped by various shaping engines (Blend2D, Harfbuzz, etc).

BLGlyphRun allows to render glyphs that are stored as uint32_t[] array or part of a bigger structure (for example hb_glyph_info_t used by HarfBuzz). Glyph placements at the moment use Blend2D's BLGlyphPlacement or BLPoint, but it's possible to extend the data type in the future.

See BLGlyphRunPlacement for placement modes provided by Blend2D.

Public Members


Member Functions

Common Functionality

void* BLGlyphRun::glyphData[¶]

Glyph id data (abstract, incremented by glyphAdvance).

void* BLGlyphRun::placementData[¶]

Glyph placement data (abstract, incremented by placementAdvance).

size_t BLGlyphRun::size[¶]

Size of the glyph-run in glyph units.

uint8_t BLGlyphRun::reserved[¶]

Reserved for future use, muse be zero.

uint8_t BLGlyphRun::placementType[¶]

Type of placement, see BLGlyphPlacementType.

int8_t BLGlyphRun::glyphAdvance[¶]

Advance of glyphData array.

int8_t BLGlyphRun::placementAdvance[¶]

Advance of placementData array.

uint32_t BLGlyphRun::flags[¶]

Glyph-run flags.