Performance - Images Produced by bl_bench

This page provides sample images produced by bl_bench for SrcOver operator and Solid style. The size of the geometry varies between 8x8 (left) and 128x128 (right) and is rendered on a small canvas so the runs of different sizes can be easily compared. The purpose of this page is to explain visually what bl_bench does to measure the performance of Blend2D and other 2D rendering libraries.

Fill Rect - Aligned

Fill Rect - Fractional

Fill Rect - Rotated

Fill Round - Unaligned

Fill Round - Rotated

Fill Triangle

Fill Polygon - NonZero, 10 Vertices

Fill Polygon - EvenOdd, 10 Vertices

Fill Polygon - NonZero, 20 Vertices

Fill Polygon - EvenOdd, 20 Vertices

Fill Polygon - NonZero, 40 Vertices

Fill Polygon - EvenOdd, 40 Vertices

Fill Path - Butterfly

Fill Path - Fish

Fill Path - Dragon

Fill Path - World

Stroke Rect - Aligned

Stroke Rect - Fractional

Stroke Rect - Rotated

Stroke Round - Unaligned

Stroke Round - Rotated

Stroke Triangle

Stroke Polygon - 10 Vertices

Stroke Polygon - 20 Vertices

Stroke Polygon - 40 Vertices

Stroke Path - Butterfly

Stroke Path - Fish

Stroke Path - Dragon

Stroke Path - World

Path Data

Paths use data from public domain SVGs except the Dragon path, which is a path extracted from an LLVM logo SVG.